BL number

Concerning rights in

Hearing Officer
Mr P Thorpe

Decision date
10 November 2020

Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Intumescent Systems Limited

Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 S 1(1)(b)

Inventive step

Related Decisions


The invention relates to a telescopic air venting apparatus having a coating of a graphite-based intumescent material applied to the inner surface of the vent which expands rapidly in the event of a fire occurring to fill completely the interior of the vent thus preventing the spread of the fire between adjacent rooms. The examiner had objected that the invention related to a collocation that did not involve an inventive step. The Hearing Officer, applying Sabaf, concluded that whilst the claim related to two separate inventions, one of the inventions did involve an inventive step. The application was remitted back to the examiner.

Full decision O/559/20 PDF document563Kb
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