These Kats are hunting for Easter eggs

What could make a Kat reader’s Easter happier than reading the latest updates from around the blogs?


The buzz surrounding non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has been picked up by several IP blogs, with both TechnoLlama and The Fashion Law reflecting on what one buys when purchasing an NFT and where its value comes from.


FOSS Patents argued that Tesla has made a number of moves which may yet prove to be missteps when it comes to licensing negotiations and patent disputes, not least when it comes to the physical locations of its Texas and Brandenburg factories.

The Kluwer Patent Blog gave an overview of a recent decision of the Barcelona Court of Appeal which held that the “problem-solution” approach in revocation suits requires its first step to succeed, or else the entire assessment must fail.

Trade marks

Whether there is an unbreakable link between presenting a city name together with a year (in which that city will host the Olympic Games), e.g. TOKYO 2021 – even when combined with another sign – and the Olympics is the question considered over on IP Watchdog, thanks to a dispute between Puma and the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee.


Class 46 summarised recent developments in intellectual property damages awards in China, in areas including trade marks, copyright, patents, and trade secrets.

Written Description presented a summary of how COVID-19 vaccine developers are responding to the virus as variants develop, as well as how the US’s FDA might react from a regulatory perspective and what other innovation policies governments could implement to tackle variant spread.

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