Content Reproduced verbatim from the Website of the European Union(EU) Intellectual Property Office as permitted under their Terms of Use.

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    November 23, 2017 About the EUIPO

    Management Board and Budget Committee meet at EUIPO

    From 21-23 November, the Management Board and Budget Committee of EUIPO met at the Office’s headquarters in Alicante.

    The Management Board and Budget Committee are composed of representatives of the Member States of the EU-28, the European Commission and the European Parliament, with the Benelux Office of Intellectual Property (BOIP), the European Patent Office (EPO), the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) and user associations acting as observers.

    The Management Board decided to submit to the Council a proposal for the extension of the mandate of the President of the Boards of Appeal. The members also decided to extend the mandate of a member of the Boards of Appeal.

    Moreover, the Members decided to launch the selection procedure for the post of Executive Director of the Office, vacant as from 1 July 2018, by publishing a vacancy notice.

    The Management Board and the Budget Committee decided to grant observer status to the CPVO to their meetings.

    The Members of the Management Board approved the Work Programme of the Office for 2018, and endorsed a Common Communication on the transposition of the new Directive concerning the representation of new types of trade marks.

    Members of the Management Board adopted the definition for a new Convergence project (CP 10) on criteria for assessing disclosure of designs on the internet and authorised its launch.

    Meanwhile, in its meeting of 23 November, the Budget Committee approved the 2018 Budget of the Office and elected its new Chairperson, Mr Sandris Laganovskis, from the Latvian Delegation, whose term of office will commence on 22 March.

    The members of the Management Board and the Budget Committee expressed appreciation for the achievements of the Office during 2017 and explicitly praised the effort and dedication of EUIPO staff members in reaching such impressive results.