Below is a list of PCT Countries/Regions, being those countries/regions that are currently signatories to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT):

[table id=2 /]

Footnotes to the List of PCT Countries Above:

  1. In the absence of information from the Office concerned, the time limits shown are those which would normally apply under PCT Articles 22(1) and 39(1)(a).  If the Office decides to apply longer time limits, that information will be published in the PCT Newsletter.
  2. If designated/elected for a European patent, see EP as DO/EO for the applicable time limits.
  3. If designated/elected for a Eurasian patent, see EA as designated/elected Office (DO/EO) for the applicable time limits.
  4. This Office acts as DO/EO for the following State which does not act in the capacity of DO/EO:  SZ.
  5. This time limit may be extended provided that the applicant pays an additional fee for late entry into the national phase (see national phase for details).
  6. If designated/elected for an ARIPO patent, see AP as DO/EO for the applicable time limits.
  7. May be extended upon written request of the applicant.
  8. Time limit applicable if applicant pays an additional fee for late entry into the national phase (see national phase for details: CA, CN, PH, TR).
  9. This Office acts as DO/EO for the following State which does not act in the capacity of DO/EO:  LI.
  10. This Office acts as DO/EO for the following States which do not act in the capacity of DO/EO:  BE, CY, FR, GR, IE, IT, LT, LV, MC, MT, NL, SI.
  11. This Office has notified the International Bureau of the non-applicability of the 30-month time limit under PCT Article 22(1), as modified with effect from 1 April 2002 – it does not yet apply the 30-month time limit for entering the national phase.
  12. This Office acts as DO/EO for the following States which do not act in the capacity of DO/EO:  BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG.
  13. The time limit may be extended by 30 days if the applicant pays an additional fee for late entry into the national phase.
  14. The time limit may be extended by up to 18 months provided the applicant pays the prescribed fee (see national phase for details).

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