BL number

Concerning rights in
GB1521192.3 GB1521193.1

Hearing Officer
Mr P Thorpe

Decision date
22 December 2020

Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Suunto OY

Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 s1(2)

Excluded fields (refused)

Related Decisions


GB1521192.3 and GB1521193.1 both disclose smart watches that are able to detect the location of the watch and then suggest an activity route to the user based on the location and other information contained in a thematic database. This could be information relating to pollution or crime levels in the area or information relating to the type of activities already undertaken in the area. The hearing officer did not consider there to be a technical contribution in either application and therefore refused each of them as relating to a computer program.

Full decision O/647/20 PDF document389Kb
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