BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr B Micklewright
Decision date
14 December 2018
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Peter Branton
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 sections 1(1)(c), 14(3)
Industrial application, Sufficiency
Related Decisions


The invention related to an electrical generator with a central vertical axle with permanent magnets attached thereto and several further vertical axles each supporting multiple electrical coils formed around soft iron cores and referred to as “coil wheels” by the applicant. The applicant contended that, once set in motion, the system would continue in motion for as long as electricity was harvested from the system. The hearing officer found that the invention operated in a manner contrary to the known laws of physics and therefore was not capable of industrial application in accordance with section 1(1)(c). It followed that it also was not disclosed clearly and completely enough to be performed by the person skilled in the art as is required by section 14(3). He therefore refused the application.
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