Quarantine hobbies

Webinars and conferences

After a detailed round-up of most recent developments in EU trade mark law, CJEU copyright decisions and national copyright decisions, JIPLP is now out with a series of live webinars. They will start tomorrow, April 29, with a live webinar on developments in the EU trade mark law, delivered by Arnaud Folliard-Monguiral (EUIPO), Verena von Bomhard (BomhardIP), Simon Malynicz QC (3 New Square) and Eleonora Rosati (JIPLP). Follow the link not to miss the remaining six webinars on various fields of IP law, brought to you by JIPLP.

The EPO free online courses feature a variety of resources on various fields of patent law . This Kat’s favourite one is the recording of the EPO’s recent webinar on the two patent applications, where an AI system was designated as the inventor [the EPO’s refusal to grant the patent was reported by the IPKat here and here]. Heli Pihlajamaa, Director of Patent Law at the EPO, explained the approach taken by the EPO to patent applications involving artificial intelligence.

The European IP helpdesk is holding a webinar on IPR & Software. The webinar, given by Dr. Eugene Sweeney and scheduled for April 29 at 10.30 CEST, will took at relevant IP issues related to the protection and exploitation of software.

The IRPI will organize a series of webinars on developments in French copyright and design law (on May 4 and 5), in copyright and related rights law (May 6 and 7), and in trade mark law (May 25 and 26). The webinars will be held in French.


The EUIPO has opened selection procedures for the positions of Intellectual Property Specialists (AD6) and of Legal Specialists (AD7). The recruitment is open until May 7 and May 5, respectively.

Other opportunities

Geneva Digital Law Research colloquium will be held online and it is now accepting applications from researchers. Interested applicants shall submit their work-in-progress on digital law. During the colloquium, selected applicants will have an opportunity to present their research to a panel of experienced digital law experts. Deadline for applications runs until April 30, 2020.
Image credit: Tetiana Nikolaieva

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