A Kat in the hand is worth two in the bush

As ever, it’s never too late to benefit from the news and analysis posted under the IPKat’s auspices last week.


The oft-unappreciated impact of the pre-Statute of Anne Licensing Acts was brought to the fore by PermaKat Neil Wilkof, with a post detailing how they changed the course of English history.

Following her recent 4IP Council webinar on the topic, SpecialKat Hayleigh Bosher answered viewers’ questions on copyright and music.


GuestKat Rose Hughes continued her coverage of UK patent exams with posts reporting on the mock PEBX exams, and on subsequent candidate feedback.

Keeping up with the Kardashians may have run its course, but Kat readers were able to keep up with recent developments in German patent litigation thanks to Kat friend Dr Lisa Schneider’s guest post giving an overview of the past half-year in case law.

Trade Marks

Continuing from his earlier post drawing attention to the low appeal success rate from the UK IPO to the Appointed Person, Kat friend Ian Gill contributed a guest post highlighting various deficiencies in the current appeal process.


TechieKat Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo brought the news of the launch of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)’s new free database WIPO Lex-Judgments, a global free database of judicial decisions on IP matters.

In her review of Propriété intellectuelle et pop culture, InternKat Anastasiia Kyrylenko considered various elements of the relationship between pop culture and intellectual property and recommended the edited volume as a means of understanding a variety of perspectives on the topic.

Never Too Late 283 [Week ending September 20]: UK IPO call for views on AI & IP | Copyright is for losers … and so are trade marks: Banksy’s EUTM declared invalid due to bad faith | CJEU confirms no likelihood of confusion between MASSI and MESSI | A Valentino by any other name | Nine years after Premier League v. Murphy, Austrian Supreme Court revisits football screening in pubs | Dutch State not liable for incorrect interpretation of private copying exception, says Hague Court of Appeal | West African Cotton Company Limited v Hozelock Exel: How may a petitioner establish lack of novelty of a registered design in Nigeria? | Memoriam of US Supreme Court Legend, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933 – 2020) | UK patent exams: Essential information for candidates released and FD4/P6 survey results | Can academic peer-review learn something from patent prosecution? | [Guest post] Release of the new top level domain “.gay”: LGBTQ empowerment or undue exploitation?

Never Too Late 282 [Week ending September 13]: UK patent exams: FD4/P6 survey and model answers | UK trade mark registration denied for sign including ‘THE ROYAL BUTLER’, following opposition by Lord Chamberlain (on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen) | Patent exploitation, competition law and the challenge of overlapping subject-matter jurisdiction 

Photo by Buenosia Carol from Pexels

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