It is that time of the year once again – Katfriends Irene Calboli and Jacques de Werra provide IPKat readers with a summary of the Third IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) ConferenceThe previous IPIRA conference reports can be viewed here and here

Here is what Irene and Jacques write:
On 24-27 March 2021, the IP & Innovation Research of Asia (IPIRA) Network held the Third IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the Conference was held exclusively online.


The IPIRA Conference is an initiative created in 2019 to provide a forum for IP researchers to discuss their papers and works-in-progress with other academics, practitioners, and policy makers. The Third IPIRA Conference was organised in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Academy, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the following academic institutions: the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia; the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia; Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University; Texas A&M University School of Law; and the Faculty of Law, University of Geneva.
The Organisers of the Third IPIRA Conference were assisted by a group of distinguished academics serving as Scientific Committee and by several research centres and universities in Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa, and the Americas acting as Supporting Institutions. The international composition of the Scientific Committee and the Supporting Institutions reflects the mission of the IPIRA Network, which is to promote worldwide interactions between IP and Innovation researchers sharing an interest in Asian Law, Comparative Law, and International Law.
WIPO Director General Daren Tang delivered a Key Note address at the opening of the Conference, which featured several parallel sessions, in which presenters focused on a variety of topics, including Geographical Indications of Origin, Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies, IP and Fundamental Rights, IP and Technology Management, Trademarks, Enforcement and Dispute Resolution, IP and Health, and Plant Varieties, Patents, and Biodiversity. The various parallel sessions were attended by other presenters and attendees who provided valuable comments and feedback.
The Third IPIRA Conference also featured two plenary sessions that focused on “Intellectual Property and Innovation During and After Covid-19” and The Impact of “IP Teaching and Researching on Public Policy”. Mr. Tony Taubman, the Director of the IP Division of the WTO, delivered a closing lecture on “TRIPS @ 25”. The program of the Third IPIRA Conference can be found here and the abstracts here
The Third IPIRA Conference was again a very successful event! Although the Conference was held online, over 300 presenters and attendees gathered and enjoyed three and half days of “IP IPIRA Festivities”, which included two outstanding cultural evenings! The IPIRA Network very much looks forward to hosting everyone again, hopefully in person, at the Fourth IPIRA Conference in 2022! Information and venue will follow in late Summer.
Photo by Prof. Irene Calboli

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