One Katnews leads to another, especially if IP-related.  Let’s see what happening in the IP blogosphere this week:-

Trade Marks


Online trade channels have become a substantial aspect of many brand owners’ business.  As part II of its ongoing series relating to online sale controls and enforcement strategies, The Fashion Law discussedthe importance for brand owners to lay down the necessary legal foundation for tackling (anticipated) defences raised by unauthorised sellers (e.g. the first sale doctrine) and then engaging in a data-driven, precision enforcement process tailored to drive real commercial metrics. 


Moving on to collective trade marks, IPTango shared an insightfrom their Argentina community on the law and regulations governing them in that country. 




For those interested in dispute resolution in the US, Patently-O introduced a three-part series (here, hereand here) on mandamus practice in the US federal courts of appeal generally and the Federal Circuit’s peculiar use of mandamus in patent cases specifically.




Avid gamers may be aware of the controversy between the developers and their ex-employer surrounding the newly released “Aeon Must Die?”, including the ownership of IP thus created.  While we are yet to see how the dispute unfolds, the IP Helpdesk takes this as an opportunity to remindreaders to be cautious on the issue of IP ownership in an employer and employee relationship.    




On the Kluwer Copyright Blog, Jeremy Blum and Jake Palmer provided a useful summaryof the UK current regime on exhaustion of IP rights and three alternative regimes in view of the consultation recently conducted by the UK government.  The findings of this consultation are expected to affect the future of the post-Brexit UK IP exhaustion regime. 


In terms of presentation and appearance, the IP Draughts sharea number of techniques to make a contract more user-friendly. 

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