Time flies when you are having … (IP) fun! Indeed, as previously announced, in June The IPKat will turn 20. To mark this milestone, we are doing two things.
First, we are organizing a big event on 8 June, both online and in London. If you are planning to attend in person in London, hurry up because we only have 5 tickets left!
Second, Kats Eleonora Rosati and Hayleigh Bosher have put together an edited collection, which brings together several current and past IPKat Team Members, as well as eminent Katfriends. The book – titled Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law. Twenty Years of The IPKat – will be published in May by Oxford University Press (OUP). 
The goods news of the day is that there is now a 30% discount code available to use for those interested in purchasing their own copy (or copies!) of the IPKat book. Just add ALAUTHC4 at checkout on the OUP website and the discount will be automatically applied.
We very much look forward to celebrating the past, present and future of our beloved IPKKat together with our Readers!

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